Last Updated on: February 22, 2021 pm
Spring Initializer
Enter Spring Initializer and generate a new SpringBoot Project.
Import project into IDE.
SpringBoot Solution
Make it easier to get started with Spring development
Minimize the amount of manual configuration
- Perform auto-configuration based on props file and JAR classpath.
Help to resolve the dependency conflicts (Maven or Gradle)
Provide an embedded HTTP server so you can get started quickly
- Tomcat, Jetty, Undertow…
SpringBoot Project Structure
Maven Wrapper Files
mvnw allows you to run a Maven Project.
- No need to have maven installed or present on your path.
- If correct version of Maven is NOT found on your computer, it will Automatically downloads correct version.
Two files are provided.
- mvnw.cmd is for Windows -
mvnw clean compile test
- mvnw is for Linux/Mac -
./mvnw clean compile test
Maven POM File
Spring Boot Maven plugin
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To package a executable JAR file or create a war archive file.
You can also run the app like this:
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Java Source Code
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It enables
- Auto configuration
- Component scanning
- Additional Configuration
Composed of the following annotations:
- Enable Spring Boot auto-configuration support-
- Enables component scanning of current package, also recursively scans sub-packages -
- Able to register extra beans with@Bean
or import other configuration classes
SpringApplication Class
- Creates application context and register all beans.
- Starts the embedded server Tomcat etc…
More on Component Scan
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You need to explicitly list the base packages to scan, if you got other packages.
Application Properties
You can add Spring Boot properties.server.port=8585
You can add your own custom properties.
Read Data from the properties File
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Static Content
Examples of static resources HTML, css, JavaScript, Images, etc…
Do not use the /src/main/webapp directory if your application is packaged as a JAR.
Although it is a standard Maven Directory, it works only with WAR packaging.
It is sliently ignored by most build tools if you generate a JAR.
SpringBoot includes auto-configurations for the following template engines.
- FreeMarker
- Thymeleaf
- Mustache
SpringBoot Starters
A curated list of Maven Dependencies.
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What is in the Starter?
Starter Parent
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For the Spring Boot Starters, no need for version.
Basically, only specify the version of Spring Boot Parent.
Then for the actual dependencies, simply inherit version from Starter Parent.
No need to list individual versions, great for maintenance and make sure all the dependencies are compatible.
Benefits of SpringBoot Starter Parent
Default Maven configuration: Java version, UTF-encoding etc…
Dependency management
- User version on parent only
Default configuration of Boot plugin
Spring Boot Actuator
Exposes endpoints to monitor and manage your application.
Get DevOps functionality out-of-box.
Simply add the dependency to your POM file.
REST endpoints are automatically added to your application.
- Health information about your application/info
- Information about your project
By default, only health
and info
are exposed.
Applying Security
Add Dependency
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Add Properties in the application.properties file
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Running from the Command Line
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Java Persistence API - JPA
- Only a specification
- Defines a set of interfaces
- Requires an implementation to be usable
You are not locked to vendor’s implmentation.
Maintain portable, flexible code by coding to JPA spec(interface).
Spring Data JPA
JPA Repository
Spring Data JPA provides the interface: JpaRepository
- findAll()
- findById()
- Save()
- deleteById()
- …
Create a JPA Repository Interface
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Then you can use the CRUD operations of the interface for free.
Spring Data REST
Create the REST API using the existing JPA repository.
Add new dependency to thepom.xml
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2021-02-17 10:52:52.396 ERROR 27449 — [ main] o.s.b.d.LoggingFailureAnalysisReporter :
Description: Web server failed to start. Port 8080 was already in use.
Action: Identify and stop the process that’s listening on port 8080 or configure this application to listen on another port.
lsof -i:8080
check the process using port 8080.
kill pid
kill the process of the id.
Do not allow parallel run, otherwise there will be more than one instance running on the same server port.