Training - Spring
Last Updated on: August 11, 2021 pm
Dependency Injection
Allows one Java Object to be ==*Injected*== into as another Object as a property.
Three ways to Wire Objects
Java Configuration Class
A Java class is created that acts as the configuration
- Creating and then wiring the two objects together
- The ==@Configuration== annotation specifies that this class is acting as a configuration class
- The ==@Bean== is used to show that a method is returning a bean available within the context
- ==@Autowired== is used to say that the Pet for the person must be automatically wired from another @Bean somewhere
A pet is injected into person object as a property using ==Java Configuration==.
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How to use the Configuration
A configuration was loaded using ApplicationContext
XML Files
Application Context or XML Bean Factory?
Spring provides two kinds of IOC Container -
- XML BeanFactory
- ApplicationContext
Use ApplicationContext
unless you have a really good reason not doing so.
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Layered Architectures
Controller Layer
Receive requests from client applications
Service Layer
Business layer with business functions
Data Access Layer
Two Patterns: - Used Interchangeably
- Data Access Object
- Repository
Data Access/Repository Pattern
The pattern involves classes that carry out database access on behalf of data structures
Each Data structure has a corresponding Data Access Object
More Pattern - DTO
Data Transfer Object (DTO)
- A DTO is a structure that can be used within the application itself
- The DTO is converted to and from the database specific Entity class by the data layer
- This decouples the rest of the application from any database specific class structures