JavaScript - Execution Context(Scope Chain, Variable Environment, this Keyword)
Last Updated on: August 31, 2021 pm
JavaScript - Execution Context(Scope Chain, Variable Environment, this Keyword)
Scope Chain
How program’s variables are organized and accessed.
Where do these variables live?
Where to access certain variable or where not?
Lexical Scoping
Scoping is controlled by placement of functions and blocks in the code.
Space or environment in which a certain variable is declared.
There are:
- Global Scope,
- Function Scope,
- Block Scope
Scope of a Variable
Region of our code where a certain variable can be accessed.
3 Types of Scope
Global Scope
Outside of any function or block.
Variables declared in global scope are accessible everywhere.
Function Scope
Variables are accessible only inside function, NOT outside.
Variables are only accessible inside a block.
ONLY applies to let
and const
variables! - NO var
Functions are also block scoped.
Scope Chain
Variable Lookup in Scope Chain
Scope has access to variables from all the parent scopes(outer).
Scope Chain only works upwards.
Example with Execution Context and Scope Chain
Note: third()
cannot access variables b
and c
- because b
is in first()
scope and c
is in second()
Variable Environment
Hoisting: Make some types of variables accessible/usable in the code before they are actually declared.
Behind the scenes: Before execution, code is scanned for variable declarations, and for each variable, a new property is created in the variable environment object.
Temporal Dead Zone
Why TDZ?
Makes it easier to avoid and catch errors - accessing variables before declaration is bad practice and should be avoided.
The best way to avoid it is get an error when attempting to access it.
Practice Hoisting
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Why console.log(addArrow(2,4));
shows addArrow is not a function?
Because addArrow
itself is a var, then it gets undefined when trying to access before initialization, then addArrow(2,4)
becomes undefined(2,4)
. –> TypeError
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Because we are trying to access a var
before initialization, then got an undefined
The this
Special variable that is created for every execution context (every function). Takes the value of (points to) the ‘owner’ of the function in which the this
keyword is used.
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Arrow function does not have its own this
=> returns the lexical this
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Simply returns jonas
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Arrow Function does not have argument
Primitives vs. Objects (Primitive vs. Reference Types)
Stored in Call Stack
- Number
- String
- Boolean
- Undefined
- Null
- Symbol
- BigInt
Stored in Heap
- Objects literal
- Arrays
- Functions
Not all variables declared as const
are immutable
- Only primitive const are immutable
- Object const can be changed.
- Because the object are stored in the HEAP and the value of the address in the CALL STACK is only an address reference in the HEAP.