Training - JPA JPAIntroduction to JPAJPA stands for JAVA PERSISTENCE API. JPA is an object relational mapping API that makes it easier to Extract data from relational databases and put into objects Extract data f 2021-08-09 Training Hibernate Training
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Spring REST Java JSON Data BindingData binding is the process of converting the JSON data to a Java POJO. Also known as: Mapping, Serialization/Deserialization Jackson Data BindingSpring uses the Jackson Project 2021-02-17 Spring & Hibernate SpringREST
AOP:Aspect-Oriented-Programming Overview AOP OverviewAOP, at its core, lets you implement individual concerns in a loosely coupled fashion, and combine these implementations to form the final system. Indeed, AOP creates systems using loosely 2021-02-08 Spring & Hibernate AOP
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Hibernate Advanced Mappings Hibernate Advanced Mappings@OneToOneEntity Lifecycle Detach - not associated with a Hibernate session Merge Persist Refresh - sync object with db Cascade Type PERSIST - Related entity will also be 2021-02-08 Spring & Hibernate Hibernate
Spring MVC and Hibernate Project Spring MVC and Hibernate ProjectOverview Browser makes a request to the customer controller. Customer Controller makes use of the Customer DAO. The DAO access the database using the Hibernate API. T 2021-02-08 Spring & Hibernate Hibernate SpringMVC